Coordinator: Lucas Rekers

University Program on "Climate Ethics for Local Management and Development" (RR 1545/23)

General coordinator: Lucas Rekers

This training, implemented by the Secretariat of University Extension of the National University of Cordoba and managed by our foundation, has as its central focus to address the issues and strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change through climate ethics for development.

It consists of 12 modules, 2 master classes and 1 final integrative work. The teaching staff is composed of 18 professors and the academic direction is in charge of Mg. Aldo Novak.

- Time load: 175 hours

- RTF: 5,85

- Programme:

Master Class I - Climate change: justice and responsibility (Dr. Lukas Meyer).

Module 1 - Climate change: Introduction to the problem, conceptual and regulatory aspects (Mg. Aldo Novak/Mg. Brenda Austin).

Module 2 - Intergenerational aspects of climate justice (Dr. Dr. Santiago Truccone Borgogno).

Module 3 - Bioethics and climate change (Dra. Romina Rekers).

Module 4 - Sustainable development: the Global Agenda 2030 (Mg. Lucia Mayo).

Module 5 - Climate governance and local management (Dr. Marco Billi).

Master Class II -IRAM-ISO standards as tools for sustainable development (Ing. Quím. María Lidia Álvarez/Ing. Quím. Marcia Pía González).

Module 6 - Natural areas and conservation of watersheds (Biól. Liliana Argüello).

Module 7 - Forest management and climate change (Ing. Agr. MSc. Graciela Verzino).

Module 8 - Integral Management of Urban Solid Waste (GIRSU) (Prof. Ana Villarroya).

Module 9 - Energy efficiency and renewable energy (Dra. Marta Juliá).

Module 10 - Socio-environmental conflicts (Dr. Mauricio Berger).

Module 11 - Public policies and environmental law: education, access to information, citizen participation and access to justice (Mg. María Laura Foradori/Dr. Alejandro Vera).

Module 12 - Communication strategies in an ecosystem in crisis (Lic. Manuel Bomheker).

TIW - Final Integrator Work (Lic. Andrea Pesci).

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