Coordinator: Lucas Rekers
University Program on "Climate Ethics for Local Management and Development" (RR 1545/23)
General coordinator: Lucas Rekers
Master Class I - Climate change: justice and responsibility (Dr. Lukas Meyer).
Module 1 - Climate change: Introduction to the problem, conceptual and regulatory aspects (Mg. Aldo Novak/Mg. Brenda Austin).
Module 2 - Intergenerational aspects of climate justice (Dr. Dr. Santiago Truccone Borgogno).
Module 3 - Bioethics and climate change (Dra. Romina Rekers).
Module 4 - Sustainable development: the Global Agenda 2030 (Mg. Lucia Mayo).
Module 5 - Climate governance and local management (Dr. Marco Billi).
Master Class II -IRAM-ISO standards as tools for sustainable development (Ing. Quím. María Lidia Álvarez/Ing. Quím. Marcia Pía González).
Module 6 - Natural areas and conservation of watersheds (Biól. Liliana Argüello).
Module 7 - Forest management and climate change (Ing. Agr. MSc. Graciela Verzino).
Module 8 - Integral Management of Urban Solid Waste (GIRSU) (Prof. Ana Villarroya).
Module 9 - Energy efficiency and renewable energy (Dra. Marta Juliá).
Module 10 - Socio-environmental conflicts (Dr. Mauricio Berger).
Module 11 - Public policies and environmental law: education, access to information, citizen participation and access to justice (Mg. María Laura Foradori/Dr. Alejandro Vera).
Module 12 - Communication strategies in an ecosystem in crisis (Lic. Manuel Bomheker).
TIW - Final Integrator Work (Lic. Andrea Pesci).